tips & hints

“…Brass Era antique autos & parts…”

A detailed description of the contents of the Edmiston Estate Auction requires creative use of available space and some simple shorthand. We've tried to provide an easy and clear method for you, the reader, to find the parts and pieces that interest you.

mousing around ( )

Certain images, words, and names are associated with more information. Clicking these elements displays that information. Clicking specific parts list items brings up a small display of that item. Clicking that small display opens a larger display and more pictures for the item.


Typing F11 will put your display in full-screen mode. Before using this feature you must know how to turn it off. It's simple: to turn off the F11 feature simply type F11 again.


Because of sheer volume of information about Brass Era part and project cars to be sorted through, we'll be adding to the different display categories all summer long. Please, bookmark this page and check back – there will be more to see.

avoid Internet Explorer

The Internet Explorer browser ( ), the most popular browser in North America, is in many ways also the least talented of the major browsers, giving viewers an inferior experience. Do yourself a favor and try one of the other major browsers – FireFox, Chrome, Safari, or Opera. They are all free.