
“…wrapping it up”

On April 3, 2011, Homer Edmiston passed away after a short battle with congestive heart failure. He devoted a large part of his life to brass era automobiles — collecting parts and building a staggering store of knowledge and experience. Unfortunately the enormous process of compiling all the information that Homer possessed could not be accomplished before his passing. It is now left to those of us who remain committed to this hobby to continue the task.

As the executor for his estate I was charged to liquidate Homer's parts, cars and 'projects in the works', a significant undertaking. Homer had directed that all these items were to be sold and the job of sorting, cataloging, arranging and assembling projects started in May and continued up to the day of the auction. Were it not for the help of many of Homer's close friends who volunteered their time to assist in the sorting and arranging of parts, this whole project would have been much less successful and productive.

Sid Conner
Homer Edmiston Estate


Friends that volunteered for Homer's Auction preparation:

  • Bill Hoff
  • Dale and Karen Kemmerer
  • Ginger Mills
  • Bill Nygren
  • Ann and Tom Pierce
  • Charlie Shaver
  • Richard Suhr
  • Galen West
  • John Carlin
  • David and Sue Dorn
  • Curt Eliker
  • Bill Erskine
  • Kenny Gilson
  • Gary Griffin
  • Michael Gude
  • Rob Heyen

Special Thanks

A special thanks also to the following who contributed services to make the event a success:

  • Glenn Rand
  • Bruce Roggenkamp
  • St Mark's Methodist Church
  • Les and Delores Schuchardt
  • Yvette Vanderbrink
  • Craig Wittstruck
  • Daniel Woods
  • Harold Agena
  • Wray Cummings
  • Perry Demma
  • John Eman
  • Rosemary Horner
  • Midwest Tent & Event
  • Steven Mills
  • Laird Nygren