Dietz Dainty tail lamps ( preview )

top view of Dietz Dainty tail lamp
Top view of Dietz Dainty tail lamp.
bottom view of Dietz Dainty tail lamp
Bottom view of Dietz Dainty tail lamp.
mounting bracket of Dietz Dainty tail lamp sidelight of Dietz Dainty tail lamp
Mounting bracket and sidelight of Dietz Dainty tail lamp.
tail lens of Dietz Dainty tail lamp back of Dietz Dainty tail lamp
Tail lens and back of Dietz Dainty tail lamp.
mounting bracket of Dietz Dainty tail lamp side light of Dietz Dainty tail lamp
Mounting bracket and side light of Dietz Dainty tail lamp.
tail lens of Dietz Dainty tail lamp back of Dietz Dainty tail lamp
Tail lens and back of Dietz Dainty tail lamp.

Compatible pair of Dietz Dainty tail lamps. Damaged fount bottom on top light. Dented fount on bottom light.

10¼ inches tall, 4¼ inch round body.